Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid It is important to emphasise this does not teach people counselling or therapy; in the same way physical first aiders send injured parties to hospital, this is first point of contact for signposting. Topics covered: Attitudes, Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Self Harm, Alcohol and Drugs, Suicide, Listening Skills and Recovery. The training is collaborative and interactive, using slides, videos, activities and discussions to cater for differing learning styles. On completion of the full 12 hours, participants receive NHS Health Scotland Certificate of Attendance and ~160 page manual for future reference, and new skills and tool to help colleagues, friends and family experiencing mental health difficulties. The aims of SMHFA are:
Scotland’s Mental Health First Aider Course
19 August 2019 @ 9:00 am - 20 August 2019 @ 5:00 pm
The 2 day course helps equip FAs with knowledge and skills to support and signpost any person experiencing mental health issues or illness to the most appropriate help.
1. To preserve life.
2. To provide help to prevent the mental health problem or crisis developing into a more serious state.
3. To promote the recovery of good mental health.
4. To provide comfort to a person experiencing distress.
5. To promote understanding of mental health issues.unituu£