
With a professional qualification in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and working in an integrative manner, I can support your learning and development with regular supervision sessions. As a COSCA Accredited Psychotherapist, I can support members of COSCA as well as other professional bodies.


Self reflection, skills enhancement, exploration of complex cases, discussions on ethical dilemmas can all help your grow as a Therapist.


We will work collaboratively, primarily using the process-oriented system of Hawkins & Shohet’s Seven Eyed Model which promotes a holistic approach to supervision.


Assessments, Formulations and Treatment Plans, Competency Frameworks and Models as well as tools, techniques and interventions are all taken into consideration during our sessions.


I provide supervision to therapists who work with adults on a one-to-one basis.  Contact me for an introductory call.


Fees Per Session

Standard Supervision:                1 Hour: £65                        1.5 Hour: £87

Trainee Therapist Supervision:    1 Hour: £45                        1.5 Hour: £65



Hawkins & Shohet Seven Eyed Model of Supervision
Hawkins & Shohet Seven Eyed Model of Supervision